Diablo 2 Graphics Mods
Install Diablo 2. It should be at patch 1.12a. This is what we want, do not update it. Install PlugY by running the executable, no need to change any settings. Unzip MultiRes.zip's content into your Diablo II folder. Inside your Diablo II folder should be a folder named 'Mod PlugY'. Open that up and find the PlugY config file.
- Diablo Series Modding. There is a long history of modding the games in the Diablo series, with Diablo 1, Hellfire, Diablo 2, and Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction all having been the subject of numerous high-quality player-made mods. Modders have been somewhat limited when working on the Diablo games since the sprite-based graphics are very difficult to modify or augment.
- It's 2017 And Modders Are Still Making Diablo II Better. An update to one of the game’s most popular mods has increased the max character level to 125 and removed the cap on monster health, making the grind more deadly than ever. Median XL 2017, the latest season in the Median mod, was released yesterday.
Here's an image of how the game looks on 1920x1080. Nice right? I'll go over what you need for that and another useful mod to allow for a little bit more lenient gameplay (ability to respec stats and skills anytime free).
First off, this is not able to be played online (Closed Battle.net). Don't try it you'll get banned so hard.
Now! You want to relive Diablo 2 in your freetime before D3 ROS takes over your life?
You're going to need four things.
Diablo 2 Graphics Mods Minecraft
Diablo 2. https://us.battle.net/account/management/get-a-game.html You'll need Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction.
PlugY (http://plugy.free.fr/PlugY_The_Survival_Kit_v10.00.exe) this is the free-respec, free-reskill and infinite storage/cross character storage mod. It also brings to the table every runeword from Battle.net (ladder-only runewords) and the Uber Diablo event from selling SOJs.
MultiRes (http://www.moddb.com/downloads/start/17276?) this is the Resolution hack/plugin. It allows you to use up to 1920x1080 resolution in Diablo 2. IT IS NOT ALLOWED ONLINE AND IS A BANNABLE MODIFICATION.
Borderless Gaming (https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming/releases/download/6.0/BorderlessGaming.zip) Very useful app, allows you to remove the border to your window on Diablo 2, allowing for full screen 'windowed' gameplay.
Now for the installation of all these crazy things.
Diablo 2 Graphics Mods 2
Install Diablo 2. It should be at patch 1.12a. This is what we want, do not update it.
Install PlugY by running the executable, no need to change any settings.
Unzip MultiRes.zip's content into your Diablo II folder.
Inside your Diablo II folder should be a folder named 'Mod PlugY'. Open that up and find the PlugY config file. You'll see DllToLoad under the [GENERAL] section. Add D2MultiRes.dll to that and save the file.
Right click the PlugY.exe icon, Create Shortcut. Right click your new 'PlugY - Shortcut' and go to properties. In the Target: section at the end, OUTSIDE OF THE QUOTES enter in -w and apply. Your target will look like mine..
Now that you've done that, open up Diablo II by running the shortcut you just made.
Go into a game, Video Options and change the resolution to whatever resolution your monitor is. Position it so that it takes up as much of the screen as possible.
Now, open up the Borderless gaming application. On the left side you'll see 'Game' Select it and click the bottom button in the center.
Return back to Diablo II. Now, if all went correctly your game should look like my screenshot in the top.
Have fun!
Special thanks to http://www.medianxl.com/t1716-guide-to-multi-res-w-plugy-for-diablo-ii
where I got most of this from. I made the guide step by step to simplify it even further for a few friends, figured id post it over here to see if I could help anyone.
You can also play through TCP/IP with your buddies. You need to open up port 4000 on your router to do so. Then just go to http://www.whatismyip.com/ and give your friends your ip. DO NOT POST YOUR IP IN THIS THREAD